Our goal is to provide the best stainless steel products in the market to all our clients. We are located in Nigel, Gauteng, South Africa

Know The Details

Pure Stainless Steel Suppliers

Pure Stainless Steel Suppliers & Fabricators is continually striving to provide the highest possible service levels to its customers by continually improving costs and lead times whilst maintaining an emphasis on quality. We strive to deliver consistent quality efficiently, and to deliver in no time.

Our innovative technology & cat ladders ensures an efficient and fast production of stainless steel. Moreover, it ensures that the steel produced is of the highest quality. As steel fabricators, we have a duty to provide stainless steel which is reliable, durable, and will get any job done.

Our goal is to meet the ever-increasing demand for stainless steel products. We do this by enhancing its unique non-corrosive and hygienic qualities. Furthermore, we have expanded our range of products and service facilities to meet all of our client’s demands.

The Pure Stainless Steel staff is highly trained and motivated to give you the service you expect from a highly professional company. Our determination has allowed us to improve the productivity and performance of all of our clients.

Feel free to contact us if you want to buy stainless steel. Alternatively, if you require more information about our prices, products and services we are always here to support you

These are our


Laser Cutting
Plasma cutting
Steel Fabrication

Stainless steel is used for industrial purposes in the mining and oil industries, in the transport industry and has a wide range of other uses.
Browse through our website today and find the products and services you require for success.


We at Pure Stainless are constantly pushing the boundaries when it comes to product range and customer satisfaction. We are proud to announce that we have a new edition to our cutting-edge family. It is our new high definition plasma cutter which means that we are able to cater for your unique needs even more by being able to cut 12-meter projects for you at a thickness of up to 100mm, depending on the material.

We already have the widest range of steel products available and now we have the widest range of plasma cutters too. At the end of the day, we are all about you and what you need.

Pure Stainless Steel Fabricators


We cut stainless steel and Mild steel to any shape or size…

Delivery Services

we Also Offer

We offer a delivery service all over Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State as well as across the entire African continent. If you are looking for stainless steel fabricators, suppliers and products, rest assured that we will expedite a speedy delivery at the best possible prices. Pure Stainless Steel ensues that every country across Africa receives its stainless steel products in a timely manner.

Certified supplier to neighbouring countries.

We Are Certified Stainless Steel Fabricators


A 51% Black Female Owned Company.

Get in touch with us today!